April 11 , 2023
Did you know your left lung is smaller than the right one? Your left lung is divided into two lobes, and the right one is divided into three lobes. Thus, the left lung is smaller to help accommodate the heart too.
We often take our lungs for granted. They ensure that we're alive and well, and we don't have to think about them much. This is why it is crucial to prioritise your lung health. Your body has a built-in defence system designed to keep dirt and germs out of your lungs. However, there are some important steps you can take to lower your risk of lung disease. Here are some ways to keep your lungs in good shape. Chest disease specialists in India are specialists in treating tuberculosis and pulmonary diseases.
Researchers have suggested ways to keep our lungs healthy, with our environment being one factor that needs to stay clean and clear for our lungs. Environmental lung illnesses can be caused by harmful air pollutants, mists, fumes, or gases inhaled while working. Pneumoconiosis is a term used to describe lung disease caused by inhaling toxic particles.
The size and type of particles inhaled determine where an inhaled substance ends up within the airways or lungs and what type of lung disease develops. Large particles may become trapped in the nose or large airways, but extremely small particles may enter the lungs. Some particles dissolve and are absorbed into the bloodstream. The body's defences remove the majority of solid particles that do not dissolve.
Different particles cause different reactions in the body. Some particles, such as pet dander, can trigger allergic reactions such as hay fever or a type of asthma. Rather than causing allergic reactions, other particles cause harm by being toxic to the cells of the airways as well as the sacs in the lung. Some particles, such as quartz dust and asbestos, can irritate and scar lung tissue over time (pulmonary fibrosis). Certain toxic particles, such as asbestos, have been linked to lung cancer, particularly in smokers, as well as cancer of the chest and lung lining (mesothelioma), regardless of smoking history.
Symptoms of Environmental Lung Diseases
As we know, environmental lung diseases have similar symptoms as lung diseases, like chest pain, difficulty breathing, and sometimes cough. Some disorders, such as coal workers' pneumoconiosis, do not have immediate symptoms, which may develop over months or years. Environmental lung diseases that cause the lungs and airways to narrow when a person inhales toxic substances and other substances (referred to as airway hyperreactivity) can cause breathing difficulties, wheezing, and attacks (exacerbations) of asthma or COPD in people with a history of those disorders.
Environmental lung diseases that cause repeating, chronic issues increase the risk of developing chronic respiratory diseases (such as COPD or interstitial lung disorders) and permanently lowering lung function. Other symptoms and complications that caused by some environmental lung disorders. The Best Tuberculosis Doctor in Jaipur will guide you towards better treatment with your diagnosis.
Diagnosis of Environmental Lung Diseases
Environmental lung diseases are identified using specific diagnostic tools. The doctor will ask about employment and other activities that may be associated with the inhalation of lung irritants as the first step in the evaluation. In most cases, lung function tests and imaging tests such as chest x-rays and computed tomography (CT) are used.
Who is Responsible for the Treatment of Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases?
Patients with occupational and environmental lung disease benefit from a wide range of specialists, which include thoracic surgeons, oncologists, pulmonologists, and imaging experts. This collaboration ensures that patients receive a thorough diagnosis and targeted treatment.
An experienced, board-certified surgeon will perform any recommended surgery or operation in collaboration with the medical team, which includes nurses and physician assistants who specialise in the care of patients suffering from occupational and environmental lung diseases.
With the increase in industrial and commercial work, the environment is affected by several toxins that may lead to chronic lung diseases and environmental lung diseases. To keep your lung health in check, follow our Chest and TB Specialist in Jaipur on Health Gennie. Prevent your environment from affecting your lungs by taking the proper care advised by specialists.
The information on this blog is not a substitute for any professional medical diagnosis or treatment. The blog contains text, images or graphics are solely for informational purpose. Before implementing the information mentioned above, seek the advice of a professional doctor regarding any doubt or question you may have about the medical condition or treatment. Also, take the advice of a professional health care provider before making changes in your health care routine.
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