
March 21 , 2023

Tips and Tricks to Increase Chances of Normal Delivery


One of the most natural experiences a woman can have is giving birth. Normal delivery, on the other hand, is usually viewed as a risky and painful experience. This is due to a lack of understanding about normal childbirth. The feeling of giving birth to your child is the most peaceful and satisfying for a mother. 


What Do You Mean by Normal Delivery?

The terms natural delivery and vaginal delivery are frequently used interchangeably. Both terms refer to the process by which the mother pushes the baby out of the birth canal.

A natural birth is a normal delivery that occurs without the use of any medications or interventions. Every mother has the right to give birth to their child naturally unless there is a medical reason that won’t allow them to. Gynecologist Near Me has the best-guided advice for you to follow through with what procedure for safe and healthy childbirth.


What Types of Deliveries of Childbirth Are There?

Every mother should have the right to give a painless birth to their child. This led to variety of child birth techniques to choose from. Here are some well-known childbirth techniques:

  • Caesarean delivery
  • Vaginal delivery
  • Forceps delivery
  • Vaginal delivery after c-section
  • Vacuum extraction


Caesarean Delivery

A C-section (also known as a caesarean birth) is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby if vaginal delivery is not safe. A c-section can be scheduled in advance or performed in an emergency. It has high risks than vaginal delivery and requires a slightly longer recovery period. Connect with the Best Gynaecologist in India to solve your dilemma regarding your childbirth.


Vaginal Delivery

A vaginal delivery occurs when a woman gives birth through her vagina. Vaginal birth is the most frequently performed and preferred method of delivery. This is due to the fact that they are typically low-risk and provide the greatest benefits to both the birthing person and the baby.


Forceps Delivery

Forceps delivery is a type of assisted delivery that can help mothers in vaginal delivery when labour is not moving ahead. Obstetrical forceps are used to grasp and guide the baby out of the birth canal. When they are successful, they can assist birthing parents in avoiding a c-section.


Vaginal Delivery After C-section

If you've had at least one previous C-section, you might guess if you can have a successful vaginal birth in the future. To answer that, yes you are most likely to. According to studies, vaginal birth after caesarean delivery has a success rate of 60% to 80%. Discuss your specific risks for each delivery method as well as your birth preferences with your healthcare provider.


Vacuum Extraction
When labour is delayed in the second stage, vacuum extraction is one type of assisted delivery procedure that can help get your baby through the birth canal. The vacuum extractor uses suction and traction to help pull the baby out while you push. Vacuum extraction is only advised in certain circumstances. Get to know more about this childbirth with our Top Gynecologist in Jaipur for a better insight.


Why Should We Opt Natural Childbirth?

Childbirth is a natural process that should be allowed to unfold on its own.

A vaginal delivery benefits both the mother and the baby in numerous ways. It helps the mother heal faster so she can care for her children sooner. As the baby moves through the birth canal, it picks up beneficial bacteria that protects it from developing diseases later in life.


How is a Normal Delivery Carried Out?

In most healthcare facilities, pregnant women give birth while lying on their backs, a position known as the supine position. You can also give birth in the Lithotomy position, which consists of lying on your back with your hips raised, knees bent, thighs apart, and legs supported.

Many pregnant women are giving birth in an upright position at our South Delhi hospital. According to research, the upright position may be the best for normal delivery. Giving birth standing up allows the baby to descend due to gravitational pull, improves oxygen supply to the baby, and allows it to position itself better as it passes through. An upright position also promotes a positive birth experience for the mother.

The proximity of a loved one to motivate you and give you a back massage can significantly reduce normal delivery pain. Remember that you can always get an epidural for a painless delivery or Entonox to help with labour pain.


Why You Should Consider Natural Births?

Avoiding the risks of an epidural, having more control over delivery, and remembering the experience more clearly are all reasons for having a natural birth. Some women are simply curious about what their bodies are capable of.

Women who give birth naturally typically:

  • Have a higher spontaneous birth rate if you don't push as long in labour
  • Recover faster after childbirth
  • Avoid potential epidural side effects such as low blood pressure, headaches, and fever.

If your pregnancy is healthy and without complications, you're probably a good candidate for natural childbirth. However, unmedicated births are not for everyone. If you have a heart condition, preeclampsia, twins, or a breech baby, an epidural or spinal anaesthetic may be beneficial.



The couple must be thoroughly educated on all elements of labor and should discuss any concerns with the doctor ahead of time. Participate actively in determining the mode of delivery. Visit the hospital ahead of time to become acquainted with the space and facilities. These factors aid in dealing with the situation confidently.


Although both doctors and patients prefer normal delivery, it is not always possible. Prepare thoroughly during the antenatal period, but leave the final decision on the best way to bring your baby into the world to the Best Gynecologist In Jaipur.


The information on this blog is not a substitute for any professional medical diagnosis or treatment. The blog contains text, images or graphics are solely for informational purpose. Before implementing the information mentioned above, seek the advice of a professional doctor regarding any doubt or question you may have about the medical condition or treatment. Also, take the advice of a professional health care provider before making changes in your health care routine.

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