April 10 , 2020
A breakout around your mouth can be aggravating, especially if it does not go away on its own. There are an unexpected number of possible causes for your perioral dermatitis, so you're lucky to have professionals to help you with diagnosis and treatment. We're here to help you understand what's causing this issue, how to prevent aggravating it, and who can help.
What is perioral Dermatitis?
Perioral dermatitis is a skin problem around the mouth.
This may also appear on the nose and chin. This dermatitis resembles acne and rosacea but is neither of them. It is delicate to treat the condition, and your everyday toothpaste, skincare products, and cosmetics may be causing it. Let us find out further about its prevention and treatment.
Symptoms of Perioral Dermatitis:
Perioral dermatitis appears around the mouth. Red rashes from around the mouth. That's why the name is perioral. Numerous times, acne-like papules form on the red patches. The red patches look like rosacea skin, and the papules look like acne. The patch may itch. Connect with Dermatologist Near Me to get to know the detailed version of all the symptoms that may cause perioral dermatitis. Occasionally, the condition spreads below the eyes, on the nose, and on the chin.
Cause of Perioral Dermatitis:
The use of heavy steroid creams is one of the possible causes of perioral dermatitis.
Some flavouring agents used in our daily toothpaste may cause perioral dermatitis. The use of heavy cosmetics and skincare products is another possible cause.
Every one of us has to find out why we get perioral dermatitis. However, you can exclude that as a reason and concentrate on the others, if you haven't used any heavy cosmetics. Also, if you haven't used steroids, that reason won't apply to you.
We've got to bandy about the possible reason with our croaker and exclude that before getting treated. else, the conditions will return.
Treatment of Perioral Dermatitis:
Saying no to the use of heavy steroids is the first treatment. According to Skin Doctor in Jaipur, reducing your steroid intake can help in curing perioral dermatitis. When you stop the steroids, you may get an answer, but that will subside after about a week. However, you have to talk to your doctor about your toothpaste and use mellow toothpaste if you aren't using steroids. Stopping the use of every skincare product and dress will help you heal briskly.
The common treatment for perioral dermatitis is antibiotics. Topical antibiotics may be prescribed. However, oral antibiotics may be given if the condition is severe. Within a few days, the condition subsides.
Please consult your doctor about the treatment when you get perioral dermatitis. Tone treatment with any OTC product won't help. This composition is only for instructional purposes. This composition isn't intended to be medical advice and isn't a substitute for professional medical advice.
Please follow any tip given in this composition only after consulting your doctor. The author isn't liable for any outgrowth or damage resulting from the information attained from this composition.
The information on this blog is not a substitute for any professional medical diagnosis or treatment. The blog contains text, images or graphics are solely for informational purpose. Before implementing the information mentioned above, seek the advice of a professional doctor regarding any doubt or question you may have about the medical condition or treatment. Also, take the advice of a professional health care provider before making changes in your health care routine.
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